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used by professional piercers

Hi SnailShells! The ring can only be out for 3 hours maximum, and unfortunately it's most important to have it (or any hormonal birth control) on time right at the beginning of cycles. So your effectiveness rate for this is more around typical use effectiveness rate probably around 92%. Because the effectiveness is a bit compromised, I'd suggest using condoms or another backup method for the rest of this cycle.. male fleshlight Last Ten Bucks by A. Lizbeth Babcock: a bondage story without much plot, but great sex. This story is written in first and second person at the same time. A lot of people have piercings that were done with a gun, but gun piercings are bad for a number of reasons. The guns cannot be completely sanitized, which means that it's possible for any number of nasty blood born diseases to be transmitted from one person to another. The piercing studs used in guns are made from low quality metals alloys which can cause allergic reactions, and the studs are no...

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